Adding a Reference
Line to a Histogram

Case 14.

Sometimes it is necessary to build a histogram to some measure and add an auxiliary reference line to the measure. If you have already encountered such a problem, you know about impossibility to apply those reference elements

to fields of the Bin type.

Let's get around such a Tableau restriction.

Why use a reference line on a histogram?

  • A reference line on a chart can provide a point of comparison or reference to help interpret the data displayed on the chart. Use it also to indicate a target value or compare different data sets.
  • Reference lines on histograms can be used to compare data points across different categories, identify trends over time, show average values, and identify outliers.

  • They can also be used to compare data across multiple groups, as well as for visualizing distributions.

How to add a reference line

on a histogram in Tableau

Check our Tableau Public workbook for step-by-step instructions.
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