Case 7.

Applying Dimension Filters to Multiple Sheets with Global Table Calculations

The concept of global table calculations refers to table calculations calculated along a certain data slice regardless of filters. For example, creating a factoid for some dimension value, where rank, index, window functions, etc., are used as

a measure.

Why use global table calculations and dimension filters?

  • Applying dimension filters to multiple sheets can help streamline your data analysis and save time, helping you analyze data faster while ensuring accuracy and precision. Dimension filters also help ensure consistent results across multiple sheets by applying the same filters to each sheet, eliminating the need to use filters each time manually.
  • In many cases, global table calculations can provide more accurate results than the core measures and calculations, as they are not affected by the filters applied to the view. It allows global table calculations to provide a more precise representation of the current data set.

  • Additionally, global table calculations can be used to create more complex calculations which require information from multiple data points. For example, global table calculations can be used to calculate the average of a particular measure across multiple dimensions or to calculate the correlation between two different sets of data. These calculations can be handy for more detailed data analysis and exploration.

How to apply dimension filters to multiple sheets with global table calculations

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